
See how we can help your business

Can’t see a product that meets your analysis needs? Get in touch, share your challenge and we can scope out a solution using our competitive day rates!


You’ve probably heard people refer to data as the new oil – well, at Datacove, we like to refer to it as the new ‘Soil’; because it really is your catalyst for growth. Our team of data analysts and data scientists are committed to providing first-class analytical solutions to drive your business forward.

Customer Analytics

Understanding your customers - who are they, how do they interact with your brand and how / where can you find more of them.


Data Strategy

Ensuring you collect the right data from customers, have a simple way of storing it and a clear plan of how to use it.


Web Analytics

Set up your website to track user activity and analyse it to improve your customer experience.


Reporting & Measurement

Reducing manual time and effort summarising data by automating the entire process.


Training & Coaching

Sharing our business and R programming expertise to develop the analysts of the future.


Your data & analytics team

Need a few days of data support each month? White label or partnership? No problem. We ARE your data team!
