Customer Analytics

We unearth your most valuable customers and tell you where you can find more of them:

Who are they, how do they interact with your brand and products and where can you find more of them? 

As your data & analytics partner, Datacove will help you to uncover the stories and behaviours behind your customer data. You’ll be able to build a better picture of who you’re serving and how to serve them better.

Our customer analytics solutions


Who are your customers? Not first and last names, we’re talking attributes – age, location, likes, dislikes, lifetime value – and more! We’ll conduct an in-depth analysis of your customer data so that you can put strategies in place to attract more like-minded individuals.



Outgrown a 'one size fits all' marketing approach? Need to chat differently with VIPs and lapsed customers? We’ll create a set of rules to split your customers into smaller groups so that you can provide more relevant content to each set of individuals. Plus all of the analysis from our ‘Core’ package.



Want to know who’s most likely to engage with your brand. We use cutting machine learning and AI models to predict customer responses, purchases, or churn, so your marketing team can act ahead of time. Plus all of the analysis from our ‘Plus’ package.
